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Ilaria Fortuna

Ilaria Fortuna

Ilaria Fortuna


My name is Ilaria Fortuna and I am an Italian Freelance Translator.

I live in a small Italian town not so far from the city of Caserta.

I got a degree in 'Modern Languages and Literatures' and a Professional Master in 'Translation and Cine-TV Adaptation', during which I gained experience in translating and adapting scripts for different types of audiovisual products from English to Italian.

I also got a Master Diploma in 'Sectorial Translation' (for the sectors: technical, economic-judicial, web and tourism).

I collaborate with the agency Language Burò as a translator and proofreader, and with the agency CreativeWords on proof-reading and MTPE/PE projects for important global marketplaces and an important touristic portal, too.

Plus, I collaborate with the Italian agency Savargad S.r.l. as translator/adapter for audiovisual products for important Italian TV channels.

I'm a very curious and meticulous person, and always do my best to do a good job meeting the given deadlines. I am very keen on translation world and anything related.

Translated books

Coming soon

Laura Stecco

Laura Stecco