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Margaret Millmore

Margaret Millmore

Author Margaret Millmore


Margaret Millmore lives on a quaint island in the Puget Sound, Washington with her husband and two cantankerous alarm clocks (better known as cats, who are apparently starving to death at 5 a.m. every single darn morning…).

Her first published works were flash fiction, which were featured on Bay Area artist, Kenny Mencher’s blog, The Welcome Home and Untitled – Luke N. Goode.

In 2011 she published her first full length novel, since then she’s published a three book series, another novel and her current series (via Creativia Publishing) What Haunts Me (Ghost Killer Book 1) and The Edge of the Cemetery (Ghost Killer Book 2), which was awarded the August 2016 Book of the Month award by Long and Short Reviews. She’s currently working on book 3 in the series, which incorporates an epic journey taken by her grandfather in 1915, she hopes to have it published by early 2018. The majority of her books are set in San Francisco where she lived—previous to island life—for over 26 years.
Margaret’s preferred writing genre is supernatural fiction, with the exception of her time-travel novel, The Dragonfly Door.

All her books can be found on her website and her Amazon Author page:
Additional links to follow:

In The Blog

Best Ghost Stories

Best Horror Book Series

Interviews & media

Margaret Millmore's website
​Goodreads author page
​Interview: Stevie Turner's blog
​Interview: Kelly Abell's blog
Interview: Sahara Foley's blog


Ghost Killer Series

What Haunts Me

The Edge of the Cemetery

What Hunts Me

Collections & Box Sets

Ghost Killer Collection: The Complete Series

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