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G.A. Franks

G.A. Franks

Author G.A. Franks


Gareth G A Franks is originally from a small town in Leicestershire, but now resides in the Cotswolds with his wife and children. As a child he loved using a bright pink 'McDonald's' pen and 'Transformers' notepad to write stories about his beloved comic book characters, and - until recently - that was where his writing career began and ended. Much of his adult life has been spent travelling around the pubs and clubs of England playing bass and guitar in a variety of bands. (With varying degrees of success!) But after finally reaching a state of comfortable middle-age tubbyness, and completing a degree in education, he decided to leave the music to the next generation, swap the old pink pen for a MacBook and start writing again. His first book was 'That Time I Had That Killer Virus Thing', a recount of his close call with Covid-19. The book has since been unpublished, pending a second edition. His debut novel 'Maelstorm' book one in the Gideon Rayne series was published in September 2020.

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