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Dodie Bishop

Dodie Bishop

Author biography

Dodie Bishop grew up in St Annes on Lancashire’s Fylde Coast – where her family have a long history – and in the New Forest in Hampshire, spending much of her life there before moving to Devon. Now living in the Blackdown Hills with her husband and an overindulged cat, she has grown-up sons in London and Sydney. With a First-Class Honours degree in English Literature, she completed a Master’s in Creative Writing and is a full-time writer, following an earlier career as an independent bookseller and company director, so books are very close to her heart.

A passion for history pushed her towards writing historical fiction, starting with a planned dual time-line novel developed as part of her MA. It was only after discovering how much more she enjoyed researching and writing the historical strand that she decided to abandon the second plot. And with that found her writing genre and Still Life and the Silence and Shadows series are the result. So much so she now calls herself a time-traveller to the 17th century.

With her love of early modern period history, Dodie is particularly drawn to Baroque art, architecture and music, and has travelled widely visiting cities across Europe. She has a particular affection for Italy and especially Tuscany. She also enjoys birdwatching and has explored the Caribbean pursuing this. Many of the places she loves around the world provide settings for her novels.

Dodie has lived with rheumatoid arthritis since her early thirties and has brought her understanding of the constraints imposed by debilitating illness into her characters’ experience.

In The Blog

Free Historical Fiction Books


Still Life

Silence And Shadows Series

The Other Side Of Silence

Our Little Life

A Slave To Kings

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