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Conor H. Carton

Conor H. Carton

Author biography

I had a lifelong ambition to become the greatest space cowboy outlaw wizard in the universe. I achieved this ambition and have a beautiful certificate on my wall to prove it. I do admit that the space time continuum is proving reluctant to bend to my will right now, I am not giving an inch. To those naysayers who maintain that the certificate is only a (in fact the BEST EVER) Christmas present from my wife and daughter, know that you are on my list just as soon as I have the Universe sorted out.

In the meantime, I retain my status as a late middle-aged, Irish, male suburbanite, married to the same wonderful woman for nearly forty years and with a daughter I adore. I retired from teaching vocational education in the Middle East in 2022. The best part of the work was being able to talk for as long as I wanted about supply chain management to an audience who were unable to suddenly break away to make a cup of tea.

The Inhabited Systems Collection is my current project to create stories that will entertain, engage, and start creative conversions between readers and myself. I write reviews on, to celebrate the joy of being a reader. Writing the stories in the Inhabited Systems Collection is my contribution to increasing the sum total of human happiness. Every little helps.

Please note that on the weekends I am the Chief Wizard of the Black Ring, which involves a lot more PR than wizarding, which is a little disappointing I must admit.

My time will come.

In The Blog

Best Futuristic Sci Fi Books


The Spoils Of War Series

Bottle Born Blues

The Thousand Year Fall

Ladder To The Sun

Collections & Box Sets

Spoils Of War Collection - The Complete Series

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